Otto, The Incredible did everything in reverse.
In fact - true's God - he even started out in a hearse!
He had a crick in his neck from always looking over his shoulder,
But luckily that eased up over time, the less he got older.
Many struggle moving forwards in life, Otto's not the only one.
At least he faces his past (it's not something from which he can run).
With life-experience behind him, Otto was wise beyond his years,
And with no need for hindsight, he'd usually avoid unnecessary tears.
But surely the greatest thing about living in the past tense
Is that, before anything happens, it all makes sense.
So there's little time wasted with confusion and doubt,
And because it already has... everything always works out!
But what Otto didn't admit, though he must've known deep in his heart,
Was that, like his name, turning around would get him back to the start.